Hair Loss Medication: What Are My Options?

Hair loss in both men and women can be an extremely stressful experience. It happens in around 40% of men by the age of 35. Around 1 in 5 women in the UK also suffer with hair loss of some kind. For the early onset of hair thinning and hair loss, we can provide hair loss medication here at YourHairDoc: slowing the process long before a surgical intervention may be needed.

Any new medication you begin to take should be prescribed, dosed and monitored correctly. It’s important to consult with our medical director, Dr. Munir Somji, prior to any treatment so that he can assess your individual case, possible treatment options and expected outcomes to prescribe the right hair loss medication for you.


Hair Loss Medication: Finasteride

Finasteride – also known as Propecia – is used for the treatment of male pattern hair loss and hair thinning and it should not be taken by a woman or a child. Dr. Somji will perform blood tests to make sure you do not have any pre-existing conditions that would prevent you from safely using Finasteride.

Finasteride works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to the more potent form, dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for most male pattern hair loss. It’s important when taking Finasteride to follow the instructions given to you by Dr. Somji and to take the appropriate dosage.

It can take up to 3 months or longer to see improvement with Finasteride and its vital to be patient and keep using the medication as directed. If symptoms do not improve, an alternative medication or treatment may be advised. You’ll be monitored closely here at YourHairDoc and given frequent blood tests to ensure you are reacting well to the treatment.

There are a few common side effects of taking Finasteride including a potential loss of interest in sex, impotence, trouble having orgasm and abnormal ejaculation. Prior to taking Finasteride you will be able to discuss all possible side effects with Dr. Somji.

Hair Loss Medication: Minoxidil

Minoxidil solution is an effective hair loss medication which promotes hair growth for both men and women who experience thinning hair or gradual hair loss at the top of the head. Minoxidil solution is a vasodilator which means it relaxes the arteriolar smooth muscle and increases blood flow and dilates blood vessels close to the scalp. Not everyone can use Minoxidil as some medications can affect use so it’s vital to consult with Dr. Somji before using it.

Minoxidil solution, available in 2% and 5% preparations, is applied to dry hair with dry hands and should be left on the scalp for 4 hours prior to washing. Hair loss may continue for up to 2 weeks after you start using Minoxidil solution and several months may pass before you see improvement. If you do not see improvement after 4 months, you’ll be advised on alternative treatments.

As with most medicines there may be some side-effects with Minoxidil but most people have no or very minor ones. The most common side effects can be a burning sensation or irritation of the eyes, itching, redness or irritation at the treated area and possible unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body. More severe side effects must be reported to Dr. Somji straight away and these can include severe allergic reactions (rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the tongue, face or lips); chest pain, dizziness, fainting; fast heartbeat, sudden, unexplained weight gain and swollen hands or feet. However, the likelihood of severe reactions occurring is extremely rare.

For more information on hair loss medication and to book a no obligation consultation with Dr. Somji, contact the YourHairDoc team on 0208 418 0362.