Mental Health and Hair Loss

There are several reasons that men and women experience hair loss. Genetics, an under-active thyroid, cancer treatments and other certain health conditions and medications can all affect hair growth and hair loss. If you are experiencing thinning hair or hair loss (alopecia) you may be experiencing a loss of self-esteem, symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.

Coping with thinning hair and hair loss can either take the form of medical treatment or even surgical intervention, but it’s important to be able to deal emotionally with the issue whilst seeking treatment solutions.

Mental Health and Hair Loss – The Statistics

Men can start to lose their hair as early as their teens and this can have a devastating effect on confidence. Although the percentage of men that experience male pattern baldness is relatively high, it can still prove a stressful experience, causing feelings of insecurity and embarrassment. For women, losing their hair can be just as and if not more upsetting, as it’s not as socially accepted that women should lose their hair and a head of long and lustrous hair is synonymous with feminine beauty.

It’s important to remember that hair loss is not life threatening and is more socially acceptable than you think. Over 40% of men aged 35 or over will experience some form of male pattern hair loss and around 40% of women over 40 will also experience noticeable hair loss, so you are not alone. True friends and family won’t consider your hair loss as an issue. It’s only the challenge you put on yourself that will cause the upset.

Mental Health and Hair Loss – Treating the Condition

Working with a hair loss expert, to find the right treatment for you can improve symptoms and even reverse hair loss. At YourHairDoc, we have a range of surgical and non-surgical treatments for mild and more severe hair loss, so if you’re experiencing this condition, there are solutions! If your hair loss is due to medical treatment such as chemotherapy, it will most likely grow back. Many other hair loss causes are also temporary, so it’s important to obtain expert advice on your condition and whether to treat it or to be patient and wait for the hair to grow back naturally.

While hair loss and hair thinning can seem extremely upsetting, you can rest assured that advances in surgical intervention and non-surgical solutions are such that we can offer a range of treatments to effectively treat hair loss. At YourHairDoc, our expert medical director, Dr. Munir Somji has researched the very best, medically proven procedures and treatments to restore your confidence and help you to lead a normal, happy life, with thicker, healthier looking hair.

Contacting a Professional

Talk to a professional if you feel like mental health and hair loss is affecting your life. If  you feel like your mental health is getting worse, visit your GP for a chat; the Campaign Against Living Miserably also has useful information. If you’re interested in addressing your hair loss medically, Dr. Somji would be happy to talk you through your options at a consultation. Book one now by contacting us today.