Hair loss can start to happen as early as in your 20’s and depending on your individual concern, can start on different areas of your head. If you are considering hair restoration (hair transplant) surgery it’s important to decipher the cause and severity of your hair loss to indicate whether you are a suitable for surgery and indeed whether surgery is necessary.
At YourHairDoc in Loughton and Harley Street, we offer a no obligation consultation with our clinical director and renowned hair transplant surgeon Dr. Munir Somji, so that he can examine you and decide whether you are a suitable candidate for surgical hair restoration or indeed, if you may benefit from non-surgical treatment options.
Considerations when deciding on hair transplant surgery:
- Although you may start to experience hair loss from as early as your 20’s, this does not mean that you will go bald or that you need a hair transplant straight away. Certain medications and non-surgical options may help to delay the onset of hair loss before surgery needs to be considered.
- Your hair loss may be caused by temporary illness or stress which means that the condition may not be permanent. If this is the case for you, alternative treatments and methods to alleviate the cause may be the first route to take before considering treating the symptoms (hair loss).
- If you have excessive hair loss, you may not be suitable for a transplant. As FUE and FUT requires a ‘donor’ site to extract healthy hairs, if you have extensive hair loss, you may not have enough hair for the treatment to be executed effectively.
- Your hair may simply be thinning and if this is the case, there may not be enough space to insert any donor hairs in between the existing hairs which means a surgical transplant will not work. Therefore, thickening treatments may be the best course of action and not hair restoration surgery.
Although hugely effective for the right candidate, hair restoration surgery is a big step and cannot be considered lightly. Before deciding that a surgical approach is for you, it’s important to consider if any non-surgical or medicinal solutions could be the answer. This will all be discussed and decided with Dr. Somji at your no obligation consultation.
For more information and to book a consultation with Dr. Somji, call us on 0208 418 0362.